My Favorite Quote

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
-Leonardo Divinci

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I am happy. I didn't have to go to work today until 1:00 and a lot of things are going really great right now. One thing that has really made a difference in my life is how I am serving in my calling and how Cory and I are being more consistent in reading our scriptures. I am really excited for conference. I get to teach the lesson in Relief Society in May and i'm really hoping there is a talk that I will be able to use that will make an impression in all the sisters that i am teaching.
Another really cool thing that i am excited about is, cory is on the HCG diet and He has already lost 20 pounds. it has been 3 weeks! he is getting back to the weight that he was when we got married!!!!!!!!!