My Favorite Quote

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
-Leonardo Divinci

Friday, July 29, 2011

My Amazing Husband

So something amazing happened to me after I returned from my trip to AZ. To Preface, Cory and I moved into our Duplex about 3 months ago and I really hadn't taken the time to decorate it. #1 because I didn't want to stress Cory out by spending money on decorations and #2 because Cory is graduating from ATC School in 8 mo and we will probably move. So I didn't want to put the time and effort into decorating when I know We will just move. Anyways with that said, I came home from my trip, walked in the door, and looked around our home. I was amazed. The furniture was rearranged to open our floor-plan and all the frames were hung and new decorations had been purchased. In short my house was decorated, and I didn't have to do a thing! Wow, I didn't know what to say, It was so nice. I felt like those people on extreme home makeover. Even though my home is not decorated to the extreme that those peoples houses are on that show, I felt so lucky. Cory explained to me that Summer Adams, a really cute woman in our ward, had asked him to hang some chandeliers for her in her house and so he traded her interior decorating services for his handyman services. He also gave her $150 to spend at Hobby Lobby! I was so pleased, she did an amazing job. I just have to say that i feel like the luckiest Woman alive to be married to my Husband! He knows how to make me happy!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you had a blog! I'm going to start following you! In a very stalker-like way! :)
